General Interest

Blackwell Research Profile Pages

Scientific Interest

Boston Area Worm Meeting (BAWM)

Information about the bi-monthly meeting of C. elegans researchers in New England and surrounding areas.


Resource of biology and genome information for the C. elegans community.


Database of behavioral and structural biology for C. elegans

C. elegans video clips

Archive of animated images on a variety of nematode events, compiled by the Goldstein Lab, UNC Department of Biology.

Genome Sciences Centre, BC Cancer Agency, C. elegans division

Information, initiatives & links from the Genome Sequence Centre, Vancouver, B.C.

Sanger Center C. elegans Project

C. elegans sequence data from the collaboration project between the Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge and the Genome Sequencing Center at the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis.

Regional Interest

News, classifieds and event information for the greater Boston area.