Petyuk VA, Qian W-J, Hinault C, Gritsenko MA, Singhal M, Monroe ME, Camp DG, Kulkarni RN, Smith RD. Characterization of the mouse pancreatic islet proteome and comparative analysis with other mouse tissues. Journal of proteome research. 2008;7(8):3114–3126.
Publications by Year: 2008
Welters HJ, Kulkarni RN. Wnt signaling and type 2 diabetes. Trends in Endocrinology & metabolism. 2008;19(10):349–355.
Tseng Y-H, Kokkotou E, Schulz TJ, Huang TL, Winnay JN, Taniguchi CM, Tran TT, Suzuki R, Espinoza DO, Yamamoto Y, et al. Novel role of bone morphogenetic protein-7 in brown adipogenesis and energy expenditure. Nature. 2008;454(7207):1000.
DeAngelis AM, Heinrich G, Dai T, Bowman TA, Patel PR, Lee SJ, Hong E-G, Jung DY, Assmann A, Kulkarni RN, et al. CEACAM1: A Link Between Insulin and Lipid Metabolism. Diabetes. 2008;57(9):2296–2303.
Hinault C, Hu J, Maier B, Mirmira R, Kulkarni RN. Differential expression of cell cycle proteins during ageing of pancreatic islet cells. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. 2008;10:136–146.